Monday, August 22, 2011

Sex in not's great!

Sex is the highest form of pleasure man can enjoy. Science tells us that the most sensitive parts of the human body are in the sexual organs. And people have propounded theories of how sexual energy can be channeled to create life (since it is the tool for procreation). WOW! Little wonder the devil wants to distort our perspectives of it and make us abuse this gift of God.

We feel the powers of sexual energy independent of and prior to conception and reproduction. I'm sure you would agree that it seems to be the most difficult passion to control. Our bodies want to express and explore these sexual energies apart from desires for the expansion of the human race. And most adolescents struggle though those years navigating those waters. It seems there's some kind of magnetic pull that drags them to the opposite sex. They ask, what am I supposed to do with these feelings I am having? but unfortunately, most people don't find the answers that will help them resolve these issues from the right sources.

While the devil is using advertising, entertainment and all sorts of media to encourage youth that "Sex is good. Do it now. You'll be cool!", their parents and church folk just tell you "Just say no!", or "Wait for it." Most authority figures try to make young people deny these feelings as if denial would make them go away. Adolescents need to hear a simple, consistent, honest message that uplifts and beatifies their beautiful bodies, that extols the glories of sexual pleasure and gives them the appropriate context that God made for the enjoyment of this great gift.

I really don't understand where we got the idea that God hates sex but its something that has been subtly sold to us by the devil. The devil has succeeded in giving us an impression that God is a killjoy disciplinarian who has a frown on His face and a good whip in His hands to whip us back into line whenever we go against His will. It seems most of us believe that God does not like anything relating to pleasure. This is so shocking untrue because in His presence there is fullness of joy and everlasting pleasures (Psalm 16:8). One truth you must accept is this, God created sex and when He did, He saw it was good. Just like every gift of God to mankind, sex was made for our enjoyment.

When God made man and put him in the garden, He gave him every fruit in the garden to enjoy. Not only did He give Adam everything in the garden to enjoy, He also gave him the senses that will ensure that he enjoyed the experiences to the fullest. God designed the human body with all the senses and sensations in it and life was meant to be enjoyed. We have taste buds that ensure that our experience of eating is memorable and enjoyable. Ever had a cool bath in hot weather? If we never had skins with feelings, we wouldn't enjoy the experience as much. Jesus came to ensure we enjoyed life to the fullest (John 10:10).

The next post addresses the question of the right context for the enjoyment of this great gift!

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