Friday, December 23, 2011

A new brand of prophets

My heart is full of excitement as I see the way God is raising an army of ministers particularly in the music industry. I sincerely believe this is the army of prophets that is needed to bring God's kingdom into our society. Here are a few songs I came across. I bet you will be impressed at the level of creativity. I'm particularly impressed at the delivery. There's no way anyone in this generation will not listen to these guys. In case you know any upcoming or other established voices to this generation, please drop a comment. Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the ministry of these prophets.

Henrisoul (Gbagoro Agbago)



GameMan  (on Facebook)

Dieko (Listen to Baraje, one of her songs)

Xt Samurai (listen to Shine in My light)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Getting slapped in Church: Your take please.

I saw this video and I was just confused. Can someone please explain this to me?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Exploring Creativity

One of the greatest challenges of the church over the years has been the ability to translate spiritual intangible to physical realities that the world can understand. It seems that for us to be able to communicate effectively with anyone that does not yet believe in Jesus, we must first confuse them. The more confused they are, the easier it is to get them into the kingdom. We seem to forget that at one time there were some things relating to God's kingdom that we did not understand.

As a result of our inability to accurately interprete these spiritual intangibilities, we give excuses. Here is one that is simply a classic.

Be blessed as you listen to the lyrics of our song and not the music. 

What?! Why call it a song when you all you want is for me to listen to the lyrics and not the music?
Our greatest job as believers utilizing media to advance the kingdom family of God is to interprete these "heavy" spiritual truths in language/expressions that everyone can understand. Let me cite a few examples

Alfa Sule -there's power in the name of Jesus

Suing the devil- answers the question of the validity of God's word in the 21st century

Olori Oko-The King, Jesus, is coming soon.

Once it becomes too difficult for an unbeliever to understand, then you can be sure he's lost to your message. For a few more tips on how to craft media that can cross over into the "secular", take a look at these slides I used for a programme I host monthly.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Homosexual Invasion...the saga ends!

Praaaaise the Lord! Praise, praise, praaaaise the living Jesus! Did I hear your hallelujah? We really need to rejoice. Why, you ask? Because God answers prayers. DO you remember how I had solicited your prayers on the issue of the legalisation of same sex marriages in Nigeria? Well finally the senate has given their position on the issue and it is in answer to our prayers.

Right now in Nigeria, anyone who goes on to marry another of the same sex will be prosecuted and sent to jail for 14 years. Anyone who, on the other hand,  is  a witness to the "wedding" will not escape the hands of the law either. Such an individual will be slammed a 10year prison term. Phew! Now we can breathe a sigh of relief.Viva Senate! But I'm sure this is no longer news to some of us. So what's the point of this post?

 To think that  some people wanted to complicate the already messed social and economic landscape of this country is just unthinkable but then that proves one thing: It is obvious that those with whom we are contending are not physical beings. No person, in his right mind would want to make love to another of the same sex. I mean its just nauseating. But then when there are spiritual forces involved, a man is empowered to do just anything, positive or negative. It all depends on the kind of spiritual force behind it all.

This is my encouragement to us all. The Nigerian space belongs to God but He has given it to mankind to enjoy. However when man loses his position in God, he loses the right to manage what God has given him. Hence the need for children of God, who are rightly positioned by virtue of their kinship, to enforce His desires. The ways we do this is by making proclamations from our spiritual position. Nothing will ever hold water except it comes from that position. I can only proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord BECAUSE the Spirit of the Lord is upon me (Isaiah 61:2). Let us take our place!