Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sex binds, sex bonds

I'll start today's gist with a true life story I heard. While I was in the Polytechnic myself and a few colleagues were discussing premarital sex. While we spoke one of us told us what his pastor's view on sex was. He said that when a christian couple had sex, the Holy Spirit would leave them for a season because they were doing something inpure. Once they were done, the Holy Spirit would come back to them. Are you shocked too? I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it. Ok so what was the difference between marital and extra-marital affairs then? Why wait till you got married before doing "it" if God hated it anyway? The bible, God's manual for living shows us that God made sex for man but He put it in the context of marriage. That's what today's post is about.

God's intention with sex is to unify the individuals involved in it. Sex, by its very nature, connects the individuals involved in it. It intertwines them. When a man sleeps with a woman, both of them become one-emotionally, spiritually, physically. There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact.

Sex is only safe when commitment and intimacy are foundations of the union. When two people sleep together, they are not only sharing their bodies but they mix their emotional and spiritual entities. Sex is like super adhesive glue. Outside the context of marriage (which is the place where intimacy and commitment are guiding foundation principles), sex breaks the people involved.

Society encourages that we pursue the variety of many sexual partners or just do it because it feels good. However God encourages us to choose to wait till we have the boundaries of marriage to experience, explore and enjoy this gift with one life-long mate. An experienced lover boy, a man full of wisdom said, "Don't excite love, don't stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you're ready." (Solomon's Songs)

It seems the message the devil sells to young people (not just in this century) is that if it was good, why should you be restricted from enjoying it now. God's position is one of having you ready for what He wants for your enjoyment before He gives it to you. Imagine your son want you to give him your car to drive. The young man is just 12 and hardly knows how to drive. Wouldn't it be suicidal for you to allow him to drive simply because he is your heir? You'd rather wait for him to be ready before you give him the car right? It's the same principle that works with us in sex. True freedom cannot be experienced if there are no boundaries or would you drive a car that can accelerate to 230km/hr but has no brakes?

Marriage is God's hedge to ensure that the sex protects the individuals. Why? The lifelong commitment to one another ensures that the couple work to see the best of each other expressed. Love is not self-seeking. It is this that provides the foundation for commitment in a marriage. Marriage provides for intimacy that is protected because both individuals know that they are parts of one another. Marriage allows for you to be naked (make mistakes, be yourself, etc) and not be ashamed.

Sex inside marriage binds. Sex inside marriage bonds. Sex outside marriage puts you in bondage. Sex inside marriage sets you free to the full expression of your potentials.

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