Friday, August 26, 2011

Homosexual invasion?

Have you ever wondered why the skinny jeans suddenly swept the wordl lile a storm and is a major clothing of our youth today? Or why the baseline of most (pants) trousers has suddenly moved closer to the earth? Well I think the answer is simple, whatever trend the fashion designers (the kings of the industry) create is what holds water.

Fashion is one of the expressions of culture and the introduction of new trends is a way of defining an already exisiting cultural lifestyle or introducing a new one. Every culture has its own fashion undergirded by certain values that define it.

Today's post is about bringing to your attention a discovery of mine as regards the fashion industry. Below is a list of some big names in the fashion industry in the 20th Century.

  • Alexander McQueen
  • Calvin Klein (You know this one!)
  • Christian Dior (familiar?)
  • Cristóbal Balenciaga
  • Domenico Dolce (of the Dolce & Gabbana fame)
  • Giancarlo Giammetti
  • Giorgio Armani (you know him!)
  • Norman Hartnell
  • Rudi Gernreich
  • Valentino Garavani (Valention jeans)
  • Yves Saint Laurent (very famous YSL)

These are the guys who have in one way or the other shaped the way we dress, even here in Africa. What do these big names have in common? Why are they all listed here together? The other thing they have in common, asides being fashion designers, is their sexual orientation; they are all homosexual. Yup, they are.

The people shaping the way we dress today (particularly our youth) are homosexuals. Creations shape culture (lifestyle, values, language, etc). The creations of these individuals are shaping our culture while we stand and look! Very soon you won't be able to sit behind a girl in the bus without turning your eyes away (uh, is that not already happening?)

I've got two questions I'd like for us to ponder on (and respond to).
  1. Is it by chance that the ruling class of the fashion industry are homosexual?

  2. Can we begin to come up with alternate comfortable fashion that promotes good values?

1 comment:

ibiziness said...

Tope this is a good one keep up the good work. the dressing of people these days is an eye saw.