Monday, August 5, 2013

Tormented Souls (Part 1)

On Friday, I was in Lagos, preparing to attend a friend's wedding slated for Saturday. I decided to visit a friend and his wife in their house. After we had exchanged pleasantries (and a nice meal!), we got into a discussion of how values were being eroded in society and how unprepared christians were in handling these challenges. Our discusion veered into how we can easily each moral standards while excluding God so people become good but not essentially godly. I got an email from a friend, on something related to what we were discussing and I would like to share that with you. Here goes;

Lot, Abraham's cousin, was a wealthy business man that lived in a city called Sodom. Sodom was a thriving community with the necook upessary infrastructures to support Lot’s agric business. Although the city was thriving economically, it was decaying morally. In the midst of Sodom’s decaying culture, Lot stood out as a godly man. He didn’t get interact much with the people of Sodom neither did he partake in their immoral ways. He worshipped his God quietly, performed his civil obligations and provided for his family.

However, beneath his saintly looks, Lot was a tormented soul. The culture of the people afflicted him, what he was exposed to everyday was very depressing. Lot was able to maintain his righteous stand but from the bible it is clear that his family didn’t have his level of resistance against the onslaught of an evil culture.
When God sent angels to destroy the land because of the prevalent evil culture, the angels were determined to rescue Lot and his household. This event shows the effect of an immoral culture, when the godly do nothing.

·       The men of Sodom demanded homosexual relationship with Lot’s guests.
·       Lot did not take his stand instead he offered his two daughters to the men of Sodom.
·       Lot’s daughters were engaged to the ungodly men of Sodom. Lot’s sons in - laws to be even made fun of him when he warned them about God’s coming judgement.
·        When God’s judgement came, he lost all his investments in the city.
·       Lot’s wife had become so materialistic that her heart never left the city; she looked back and lost her life in the process.
·       After escaping, Lot’s two daughters conspired to have and incestuous relationship with their father. Although his daughters had let Sodom, the culture of Sodom had not left their heart. The evil culture that Lot was indifferent to ultimately destroyed his investments and tore his family apart.

On the other hand, Daniel was another godly man that found himself in an ungodly culture. While Lot functioned as a businessman in the private sector, Daniel was a civil servant in the public sector. As a teenager he was taken captive into Babylon and was enrolled in a special academy so he could serve the king of Babylon. In this academy, Daniel was exposed to all the evil practices of the Babylonians; magic, idolatry, drunkenness etc and Daniel was expected to participate in these practices.

Daniel, from his teenage years, began to engage the culture around him; he was determined not to allow the culture defile him. He approached the director of the academy requesting to be excused from activities that he believed would compromise his godly stand. He was bold enough to challenge the director to put him to a 10 - day test, after which the director discovered Daniel looked and performed better than those that ate from the king’s table.

Daniel had a simple but effective method of influencing his environment with his godly culture. His simple approach was: LIVE OUT YOUR GODLY CONVICTIONS EVERYWHERE, AT ALL TIMES, IN EVERY SITUATION.
This was the method employed by Daniel in the midst of a godless culture, with this principle he was a relevant and respected figure to 4 different regimes.

When Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that nobody knew (not to talk of interpreting), all the wise men of Babylon were to be executed. When Daniel heard, he took his stand and told the King about the God of heaven that revealed secrets. When Daniel told the king the dream and its interpretation he bowed and worshipped Daniel’s God.

The same thing happened with Belshazzar and the hand writing on the wall and with Darius when he put Daniel in the lion’s den. In each case Daniel took his stand publicly against the evil prevalent culture and at the end the name of God was magnified in the land. Daniel remained a top government official until the reign of Cyrus who eventually released the Jews from captivity.

Christians now live in a culture similar to that of Lot and Daniel, a culture plagued by all sorts of immoral vices. We live in societies given to corruption, selfishness, tribalism, mediocrity, intolerance and irresponsibility. All these have become a way of life (NOTE: culture means way of life). The sad fact is that Christians too are not excluded and the effect is very evident all around us.

God will not come down to change our culture! (that is our responsibility) but if we don’t actively and strategically begin to engage our society then we become victims of our culture just like Lot was. Our godly convictions must advance beyond our heart into our public acts. Active faith is an advancing faith and to claim to be indifferent is to admit you are defeated. 

Sometimes we think the government is solely responsible for the prevalent culture in the land. Even though the government is involved, there are other institutions; the family, schools, religious organisations and the media. These are major institutions that shape the culture of any society and to change our culture we must engage these institutions with godly values.

Prayer is very important so we must start with prayer; Daniel was a deeply spiritual man but Daniel was also a man of skill and understanding. So we must also take action based on skill and understanding to see the cultural change we desire in our land.

God said
“Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession”. (Ps 2:8NKJV)


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5 Major Challenges In 21st Century Media Evangelism

As people who are called to be salt and light, we must be aware of the challenges we will face in bringing change to our immediate environments and be adequately prepared otherwise our efforts at influencing the world with our lives will lead to us being contaminated with its influence. I've highlighted some challenges facing us today as preachers of the good news of Christ and solutions to some of these issues raised. Read on (and share with a friend too)

Challenge #1 > Contact without contamination
Many, in their bid to make the gospel acceptable to many have shipwrecked their faith. For most contact has led to contamination. For example, there are quite a number of choir members that have gone into music reality TV shows and returned with new identities: inspirational singers. Obviously, their interactions with the world of entertainment has changed their perspectives and positions about being popular as against serving the will of our Father.

An active relationship with God (in worship & the word) is the only antidote to staying untainted in the culture we interface with. (Rom 12:1,2) As long as His word abides in us and we in Him (His word) we can be guaranteed not to be swept away. An active fellowship with a body of believers is also key to overcoming living. Daniel and his friends maintained a fellowship in Babylon. This helped them a lot.

How To Unlock Creative Flows

The Tunes Of Jubile Creatives' Workshop is happening again in June. This is a monthly interactive session where we learn how to engage and influence the culture we live in using media as our tool of influence and impact. At the last edition in May, we considered the challenges christians face in getting involved in the transformation of our immediate society. You can download the pdf here.

This time we'll be looking at how we can access a steady flow of creativity for creating exceptional media content for our comedies, dramas, movies, songs, dance presentations, books and so on.

Date: June 8th and 9th 2013.
Time: 5pm (on both days)
Venue: The Youth Chapel, Methodist Church Nigeria, Agodi, Gate, Ibadan.
Details: 08170686445 | |
I've included a map for the venue for those unfamiliar with the place.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Map

View Larger Map

Monday, May 6, 2013

Cultural Change from the bottom up

I start today's post with this quote from a blog I stumbled upon in a Google search about christians changing culture. It goes like this:
In his book, To Change the WorldJames Davison Hunter asserts that many Christians have adopted a false theory for social change, believing that the majority belief determines the social norm. Therefore, change occurs when a majority adopts a belief that differs from the existing norm. The LaBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture, and Social Theory at the University of Virginia argues that this faulty theory has led Christians to invest a large amount of energy in resources and strategies to effect cultural change that prove ineffective.
I cannot but marvel at the wisdom the prince of this world uses to infiltrate the world with his own influence in the homosexual issue for example. He uses very simple steps in an effective strategy-

  • Remove the *"yuck factor" in homosexuality. (The yuck factor is a belief that an intuitive negative response to a practice, idea or something should be interpreted as evidence of its evil or harmful character.) This has been done by placing homosexuality in a favourable light using movies, sitcoms, comedies and even children's cartoons.
  • appeal to sympathy from fellow humans by presenting homosexuals as innocent victims of social, racial and religious bigotry. Something like the feelings of sympathy evoked in the fight against slave trade.
Slowly and steadily the majority opinions towards homosexuality are gradually eroding giving way to more liberal views even among believers. While all this is also as a result of the speed of light changes happening in our world today, there's a simple strategy that I see the devil using. Interestingly it's obvious the devil copied this from the Author and Finisher of our faith as God has always used a seed approach in building anything on the earth.  Unfortunately we Christians have tended to try to infiltrate the power structures to effect a societal change. While this is laudable and can be effective, we live in times when social change is now more in the hands of the "consumers" than the "sellers". 

Jesus NEVER used power structures to try to change society. He went for the core of society that was hurting and needing help and caused tremendous city-wide waves of change. Remember the Samaritan woman? Or the Gaderenes (ex)demoniac? A city policy was issued because of what Jesus did to that man. Jesus did not come as a senator but as a servant. He hated the religious bigotry of the Pharisees and repudiated their beliefs but he poured Himself into the society He was living in humility, love and kindness saving weddings, healing the sick, casting out demons, accepting the unloved into the fold and providing a (better) alternative path (lifestyle) to the already established and acceptable norms of the society.

Platforms already exist for us to bring the change our societies need. (I recently watched a  Youtube 
video, that has hit more than 20 million views in the space of four months!) In the light of this, I would like to personally invite you to a seminar/interactive workshop taking place this weekend where believers can learn better ways to infiltrate our world with the kingdom of God culture. Follow this link for more details!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tunes Of Jubile Workshop (April 2013 edition)

The Tunes Of Jubilé Creatives' Workshop was held again this last Saturday, April 6th 2013. The high points of this edition was the 3 fold strategy from Matthew 13 which can be used to infuse godly values into our society.

The pdf is available for your viewing on this page

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lessons from My Oga At the Top! (Daz All)

The power of social media has been largerly untapped in this part of the world. Eventhough we have seen several incidents that have shown us how powerful new media is, we are yet to take advantage of that power.

The recent Oga at the Top saga revealed certain things to me that we can leverage on with regards to spreading the gospel. Let me point out some things.

If you Google the keywords "my Oga at the Top", you'll get nothing less than 4 million hits! Not only that.

  1. YouTube is teeming with hilarious videos created on the Oga at the top saga.
  2. Creative Images abound on the subject
  3. T-shirts have been made on the issue, selling like hot akara on the streets of Lagos.
  4. Music and music videos have been created on the same issue complete with remixes and remakes of the Channels TV interview.

The shock waves of the social media avalanche made by Nigerian youth, home & abroad, has caused the suspension of the NSCDC commandant (or so we heard), a clear indication that our leadership can be influenced by our disapproval of some of the things they do or say.

I'm still expecting the Nollywood version of this in form of a movie oh. Or has anyone seen it yet? And then there is a game in which, instead of telling you game over when you lose, tells you, hilariously, Das all! (innovative abi?).

T-shirts have flooded the streets of Lagos, advertising the same. I even heard that Daddy G.O. too made a prayer point out of it. I don't know how true that is oh.

For me it all says one thing, new media i.e. the internet, YouTube, Facebook, Blackberry, Twitter, etc have created platforms and meeting points to influence a generation. Platforms that we need to leverage  to impact this generation with truth. These platforms and hubs are the meeting places of this generation. They are the hot-spots and learning arenas where people pick up values on relationships, etiquette, career choices, etc. If we will make any changes in this generation and this time, we must be influential in these areas.

Well, my Oga at the Top wants me to stop now (I couldn't resist the temptation!). Daz all!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Creative & Effective Youth Evangelism

Creative ministries in the 21st century must embrace certain understandings to be more relevant & effective in these days. We live in days when the level of awareness is very high. An average 5 year old child, living in a city has, most likely, interacted with technology his parents never had access to until they were in their late teens or early twenties.

Obviously this means that communicating with this generation will be different than the generation before them. I believe there are 3 things every creative ministry in the 21st century must have to be outstanding & effective in influencing today;s generation with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. They are:

Consecration: We must realize that the backbone of any long-lasting influence on today's youth must be premised on a relationship with God. That is the foundation for the effectiveness & influence we desire. The power source of our ministry is this connection to God. 2 Timothy 2:21 says "Those who make themselves clean from all those evil things, will be used for special purposes, because they are dedicated and useful to their Master, ready to be used for every good deed."

One of the greatest challenges of these days is purity. The standards of integrity, purity and moral excellence have not changed. Interestingly, people still expect individuals to uphold certain values that ensure social cohesion. Things like truthfulness, integrity, loyalty, etc are still expected of people. Only individuals with deeply entrenched roots in God can truly live untainted as they interact with a world of moral depravity. The first requirement of ministry is a consecration to God.

The second thing is Skill. Skill is the know-how, the knowledge of the technology. Most creative ministries don't have the skill required to compete in the world, so we just retract into our "spiritual" environments. We tell them not to be carried away with the music but listen to the lyrics. The secular guys do the opposite by skillfully wrapping their lewd lyrics in excellent music. Excellence is a language all mankind understands and appreciates. And excellence doesn't come cheap. The price for excellence is hard-work and diligence. Most creative ministries receive inspiration from God but don't go beyond that. I believe inspiration usually comes as a zipped folder. It needs to be unzipped using the right software, which is meditation (something from my book How To Unlock Creative Flows).

The third thing is Wisdom. The message we preach will only get through to our audience if it is properly packaged. Wisdom is the key that helps us to know how exactly to package the message. It is what helps us to discern what exactly we are up against, knowing which tools to use per time. Without wisdom, we won't know when to come hard on the audience and when to be tender and gentle. It is this wisdom (knowledge, understanding & discernment) that the guys in the secular have that makes them a hit.

Here are my own thoughts, feel free to comment and visit our page on

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God is Not Zeb Ejiro

Hello friends, I got this off a facebook friend's page. It is instructive and hilarious and I'm sure you will enjoy it.

OK, I know there's a lot of criticism against Nollywood and some movies are truly a stunning celebration of unparalleled levels of ineptitude and daftness. A friend even said 'every time you watch Africa Magic channels, a brain cell dies in you' Lol! But truth is, this is ours and well, it’s part of our 'rich' heritage!

Anyway, talking about directors, it dawned on me that God is also a Director! He's working on a Master Script and as your life's story plays on, be assured that there's the Supreme being calling the shots.
Your life is, however, not Nollywood and in case you've watched too much “Nneka the Pretty Serpent,” “Yemi my lover” and “Dangerous Love Part 1 to 7”, here's my caution to you not to judge God and life with your Africa Magic mind.

1. Your enemies won't necessarily die or run mad: It is not God's preoccupation, occupation or vocation to kill your enemies or make them run mad after they confess that they are the ones 'doing' you as is common with Patience Ozokwor.
As you see the unfolding sojourn of your life under God's management, don't be shocked at his system of justice. In our earthly time, it might seem like the sinners are going unpunished and those who have done you wrong are getting ahead of you. Be assured, sin has full recompense but what God does is not to kill those who try to harm you, but He makes sure you are not overcome by their evil.

2. There's middle class in life: As against the lie we find in our movies, there's middle class in real life! Don't be deceived by the miracle of Mike Ezuruonye getting a fabulous job just after NYSC and moving into a 'five star' duplex, driving an 'End of Discussion' and earning seven digits for being a faithful accountant! And don't mind Desmond Elliot trekking the streets of PH five years after Uni, surviving on Boli and Epa, and living in a run down one room apartment.

There are small beginnings, not so small to be called a poor estate and there are prosperous progresses not so big to be called a major break! Life is a journey, so don't feel unsuccessful because you earn 60k, take bus to and fro work, can't afford a Nokia Lumia and don't wear designer Cologne.
Even if you are not where you want to be, remember this is not where you used to be.

As God directs your life, He won't necessarily make you meet Ini Edo, the daughter of Pete Edochie, who just decides to favor you with 10million Naira, you will work hard, save little by little, make your brain sweat and broadcast your business ideas on BB, then it will keep adding up to your progressive prosperity!

3. Romance might not mean Boutique Trips: Ehn ehn! My sisters in da Lord, this is for us. Well, if you are single and standing in faith to meet your man of destiny, keep in mind that you are not Tonto Dike meeting a Jim Iyke freshly arriving from Jand, therefore, true love might not mean trips to the boutique with odd Whitney Houston songs in the background of your life story, or running around lonely beaches and falling to be carried.
Romance could mean dreaming up a future together, serious strategy sessions, intense prayer times, happy laughter over homemade meals and promises of an enduring commitment. Wise up!

If you are already married and Africa Magic is confusing your expectations, please don't pay your subscriptions again o. How can you let man made fiction ruin your God made future? So because your husband is not Ramsey Noah taking you, Nse to the Bahamas for vacation, you are losing your joy? Ha! Na wa for you o!
Having said that sha, our men, that's no excuse not to trip us o.

4. God has the proper subtitles: Just the other day, a Yoruba movie's scene had the following subtitling:'Kunle please kill me inside, don't killed me outside'...If you are not a Yoruba person, you can't understand that groove. But be assured that as the script of your life plays out, God's subtitles are right!

You might not understand the language life is speaking sometimes and stuff happens that makes you want to ask 'wetin dey o?' but if you look closely and listen with your heart, you will hear the Spirit subtitling the script, breaking it down in a language you can understand and offering invaluable perspective! That perspective is what keeps you sane through life's mad dramas.

I'd conclude on this tomorrow!
Have a good year and keep God as your Director and Producer, that way, we should WATCH OUT for you!

With irrepressible joy,

Friday, January 4, 2013

How to create media content that engages the audience.

If you are as young as I am, you'd remember the days of Voltron, Thundersub, good ol' Sesame Street (where I learnt how to rhyme), even the Sunday-Sunday Tales by moonlight. And then there was G-force, Speed Racer and TerraHawks (Expect the unexpected-Tiger Ninestine). Those were days when choices were few & TV time was limited. Today choices have gone out of the roof (there's Ben10, Power Rangers, The Legend of the KungFu Panda, Dora the explorer, Samurai Jack and so on. (do you know any popular ones I missed out? Drop a comment!)

You will agree with me that it is getting increasingly difficult to watch, listen to decent things on TV or the radio these days. Everything seems to be punctuated with sex, lust, power & violence. If you are someone concerned about the atmosphere that the next generation grows in & the values they imbibe, you would like to screen what they engage thier minds with right? But the challenge is this, where can I get wholesome content?

Did you know that Tolkien and CS Lewis were friends? They both decided to do something about the state of print media, using fantasy literature, in their days. Oh, you don't know who those 2 guys are? JRR Tolkien wrote The Lord of the rings trilogy & Lewis wrote the 7 book Chronicles of Narnia. Both were a response to the desire to have imaginative stories that depicted redemption.

So here are some practical tips to creating media that is engaging yet full of values.

1. Use The bible; It is full of stories! Put yourself in the scenarios. What would have been your response? How would the character have acted/reacted if he/she were living in another timeframe?

2. Use fresh camera angles By viewing an issue from fresh angles, you present it in a new light. Tell the story from another person's point of view e.g. a third party, an onlooker. For example, if you were an investigative reporter following Joseph's story, how would you report it?

3. Real life stories or situations work well too. Focus on the values you'd like to teach & use the experience/story to project it.

4. Perfect the art of story telling

5. Make it believable. Hollywood sells make-believe like its true life. They use the right props-musical ambience, costume, special effects, etc