Monday, September 12, 2011

God's judgement on homosexuality!

Many times we think God is silent on the things happening around us. We are concerned when we see homosexuals seemingly advancing, with legislation and funding that favours them. If you are like me, you are concerned for your children and may wonder how they will survive in the years ahead. However just as God wasn't silent when Pharaoh refused to let His people go and executed judgement on all the demon gods of Egypt, God is not silent in the 21st century either.

I came across this story about the way Hurricane Katrina came just a few days before a homosexual celebration was scheduled. Was it a chance "natural disaster" or God's judgement on the city that had allowed an annual celebration called "Southern Decadence" to thrive for so long?

"Southern Decadence" has a history of filling the French Quarter section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars. Last year, a local pastor sent video footage of sex acts being performed in front of police to the mayor, city council, and the media. City officials simply ignored the footage and continued to welcome and praise the weeklong celebration as being an "exciting event." However, Hurricane Katrina has put an end to the annual celebration of sin. 

On the official "Southern Decadence" website (, it states that the annual event brought in "125,000 revelers" to New Orleans last year, increasing by thousands each year, and up from "over 50,000 revelers" in 1997. This year's 34th annual "Southern Decadence" was set for Wednesday, August 31, 2005 through Monday, September 5, 2005, but due to massive flooding and the damage left by the hurricane, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has ordered everyone to evacuate the city. 

I strongly believe that as we pray to displace all these demonic forces, God will begin to execute His judgement on them. It's time to get on our knees.

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