Monday, September 12, 2011

Fractional Distillation

Over the past few weeks, my posts have been laying emphases on the obvious impact of the media, particularly at such a time as this that we find ourselves in. I won't like to enter into a general error where one can point out the problems and give lengthy talks and discourses about how those on the scene are not doing things properly without providing solutions. I'd like to follow the scriptural model, where the solution provider not only sees the spiritual (revelational) side of things but also brings practical, pragmatic solutions into the situation.

If you did not pass Chemistry I bet the title of this post jolted you. Well I'm not going to give you a long discourse in how to pass Chemistry. I'll just tell you how this relates to us. Fractional distillation is the separation of a mixture into its component parts, or fractions, such as in separating chemical compounds by their boiling point by heating them to a temperature at which several fractions of the compound will evaporate. How does this relate to us? Spiritual resources can be distilled to products that can be used to make human life better. That is what fractional distillation is all about as it relates to us!

It is clear all through history that the things that brought change into society occurred as a result of a spiritual resource that was downloaded into the earth for communal relevance. Isaac Newton, Martin Luther, Abraham Graham Bell, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates are just a few examples of individuals who logged into a spiritual space and brought into the earthly realms inventions that revolutionized human existence.

I believe that spiritual resources or revelation should translate into physical things that can influence life. What's the use of spiritual stuff that can't change or improve my life and that of others around me? The reason the Body of Christ seems like a bunch of religious people is because we are high on spiritual activities and resource but low on the effective transfer of these resources into society. What use is bible knowledge that has no practical application? Or fasting and prayer that doesn't produce, for example, increased business growth.

One question that I will endeavour to answer over the next few weeks is how to translate these spiritual resources into tangible results, inventions people can see, touch, feel and handle. The scientific way to understand how things/systems/products work is to examine a model. Simply break it down into its smaller component units, look for patterns in the operation and apply the principles or dynamics you observe into the existing situation or product.

This is what I believe God means when He said in Romans 15: 4 "Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us..."

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