Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5 Major Challenges In 21st Century Media Evangelism

As people who are called to be salt and light, we must be aware of the challenges we will face in bringing change to our immediate environments and be adequately prepared otherwise our efforts at influencing the world with our lives will lead to us being contaminated with its influence. I've highlighted some challenges facing us today as preachers of the good news of Christ and solutions to some of these issues raised. Read on (and share with a friend too)

Challenge #1 > Contact without contamination
Many, in their bid to make the gospel acceptable to many have shipwrecked their faith. For most contact has led to contamination. For example, there are quite a number of choir members that have gone into music reality TV shows and returned with new identities: inspirational singers. Obviously, their interactions with the world of entertainment has changed their perspectives and positions about being popular as against serving the will of our Father.

An active relationship with God (in worship & the word) is the only antidote to staying untainted in the culture we interface with. (Rom 12:1,2) As long as His word abides in us and we in Him (His word) we can be guaranteed not to be swept away. An active fellowship with a body of believers is also key to overcoming living. Daniel and his friends maintained a fellowship in Babylon. This helped them a lot.

Challenge #2 > Creative originality 
Most believers are not creatively original in their expressions. Most are just copies of a secular pioneer and it seems our attempts at creative evangelical/gospel expressions are always below par. How do we remain creative without being copycats?

Prayer, in this case, is the master key. Prayer is a tool to access the wisdom of God not a religious activity or something to twist the hands of God to do what is against His will. (1 Cor 2:10 , Ex. 35:30-35) (Psst...come and learn more at this month's Tunes Of Jubile Creatives' Workshop)

Challenge #3 > Authenticity without being judgmental
Our attitude can, easily, be a very judgmental, creating more guilt consciousness than godly sorrow. However we must not water down the message in the bid to make it more acceptable. It becomes a very tight-rope to walk on.

We must focus on being redemptive as God is always concerned about the persons not just the practice (John 8:3-11). All our actions should proceed from love not our cultural bias. James 1:19

Challenge #4 > Relevance without religiosity
We must ask ourselves this question, on individual and corporate levels: do we draw significance and relevance from WHAT WE DO or WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST? Are we trying to be socially responsible or are we citizens of Zion with the mandate to set men free (Isa.61:1,2)? Are you a worship leader or one who pursues God passionately?

We need to be grounded in who we are in Christ not what we do.  He is the One who gives us access to the Father. We are joint-heirs with Him. He is the reason we are accepted in the beloved by our Father.

Challenge #5 > Sincerity without watering down truth 
Many believers, in their bid to be "politically correct" & diplomatic, have watered down the message. There are some things that are irreversible. Jesus is still the only Way, Truth and Life and there's nothing anyone can do to change that.

We must never back down from the truth irrespective of who doesn't agree. We must never lose sight of the truth. We have a responsibility to know God’s word and its applications to our lives.

We must have our priorities right (with God first, our families next and other things following) and possess, like the model David, these 3 dimensions in our lives,

  • The Radical Worshiper
  • The Experienced Professional
  • The Wise Statesman
I'll continue the thoughts tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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