Sunday, April 15, 2012

Social Media & Tech Generated Disciples

One of the things believers in Jesus are meant to do, is raise disciples. A disciple is one who is trained by instruction and practice. Synonyms of the word are follower - pupil - adherent - learner - apprentice. Our service as believers includes making disciples of the people of the earth.
In these days when the influence of media is so pronounced, I daresay that this medium should be maximized. I read recently that Facebook has an audience of about 800million! Imagine the possibilities this presents!

In an age where internet is flowing like pure water and technology is now more accessible than even just 10 years ago, don't you think we should ride on the wave of this phenomenon?

Here are some amazing facts I discovered.  Pause and calmly think on these things. (By the way I got these beautiful infographics from Arbitrage Magazine and Digital Buzz Blog

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