Thursday, October 20, 2011

One very dead Ghadafi

I've been out all day and then I come into the office to see celebrations on TV of the now dead Libyan leader. The video showing his dead body can be viewed somewhere in this post but there are lessons to learn from this event.

I wonder why it was so difficult for him to see this coming. It was too obvious that he, Ghadaffi, was out of the game. He had lost out but was not willing to accept defeat even in the face of all the evidences. At least seeing what had happened in Tunisia and Egypt, he should have just taken a cue from those experiences and quietly handed over or just fizzled into oblivion. But then power has a way of corrupting those who don't have strong roots in God and personal identity.

Ponder the lessons on the death of this man who has been in power for so many years and then has been finally ousted by his own people.

When the righteous prosper the city rejoices. When the wicked perish...SELAH

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